Question Description
Why does the author state; “railroad regulation and trust busting were the bywords of the times after Teddy Roosevelt came to the White House”? In other words how did the trend in the United States during the Theodore Roosevelt administration from 1901-1909 toward the dissolution of trusts and big business effect the state of Kansas? What were some of the monopolies present in Kansas during the time of the early 1900’s?
Your essay must be detailed and specific.
1.You must tell me who, what, when, where and why.
2.Dates are essential.
3.Your answer must be in essay form with an introduction, supporting paragraphs and a conclusion.
4. You must answer all questions asked.
5. Your essay should be two pages in length.
Outline for Essay
Be sure to mention briefly, Theodore Roosevelt and his reputation as a trustbuster.
Be sure to mention the antitrust problems with the railroads in Kansas, mentioning the railroads by name and also include dates.
Be sure to mention the Kansas Board of Railroad Commissioners and their roles.
Be sure to mention the relationship between the railroads and the Kansas farmers.
Be sure to mention the role of the Progressive Reform movement.
Be sure to mention any Kansas politicians involved with Progressive reforms.
Be sure to mention all of the monopolies present in Kansas at the time, ie more than just the railroads.