Teachers need to be able to distinguish between various theories of language acquisition while understanding the processes involved in how and when the acquisition occurs and to what pace and degree. The purpose of this assignment is to outline various theories of language acquisition for teacher colleagues.
Create an informative pamphlet of 750-1,000 words for your fellow colleagues in the Birth-Pre-K or K-3 classroom as a resource they can consult throughout the year.
In your brochure, address the following:
- Explain how language develops and is acquired in childhood (define key terms used, such as language acquisition), including an emphasis on language development through socialization and social engagement.
- Briefly outline the primary language acquisition theories, including Skinners behaviorism, Chomskys nativist theory of language development, functionalism, and socioculturalism, and explain which theory or theories you would emphasize to support students language acquisition in your classroom and why.
- Explain the role of parents/guardians in modeling and reinforcing language, as well as 2-3 activities teachers can share with parents/guardians to model and reinforce language development.
- Explain how students who are learning English as a first language are supported in your classroom through specific instructional strategies and tools, as well as how students who are learning English as a second or more language are supported in your classroom through specific instructional strategies and tools.
- Include a list of three or more language development activities that teachers can share with parents/guardians to reinforce language development at home.
Your pamphlet should be organized in a logical manner and include a title, section headings, and visuals. Remember your audience and use appropriate tone and verbiage.
Support your findings with 3-5 scholarly resources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the?LopesWrite Technical Support articles?for assistance.
Attached: Rubric
Read pages 45-51, 157, 228-230, 304-308, and explore Chapter 9. http://gcumedia.com/digital-resources/pearson/2013/educational-psychology_developing-learners_ebook_8e.php
Read 9 Ways to Help Your Childs Language Development, by Gardephe, located on the Parents website. https://www.parents.com/baby/development/talking/9-ways-to-help-your-childs-language-development/
Read Supporting ELLs in the Mainstream Classroom: Language Tips, by Robertson, located on the Colorin Colorado website. http://www.colorincolorado.org/article/supporting-ells-mainstream-classroom-language-tips
Read What is Linguistic Functionalism? by Nordquist, located on the ThoughtCo. website (2017). https://www.thoughtco.com/functionalism-in-language-1690809
Read Behaviorist Approach, by McLeod, located on the Simply Psychology website (2017). https://www.simplypsychology.org/behaviorism.html
Read 12 Ways to Support Language Development for Infants and Toddlers, by Luckenbill, located on the NAEYC website. https://www.naeyc.org/our-work/families/support-language-development-infants-and-toddlers
Read The Study of Second Language Acquisition Under Socio-Cultural Theory, by Aimin, located on the Science and Education Publishing website (2013). http://pubs.sciepub.com/education/1/5/3/
Read Supporting Language Development: Early Childhood Educators, located on The Royal Childrens Hospital Melbourne website. https://www.rch.org.au/ccch/growthrive/language_and_literacy/early_childhood_educators/
Read Language Acquisition, from Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development (2017). https://search-credoreference-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/content/entry/cupchilddev/language_acquisition/0?institutionId=5865