Question Description
I’m working on a website development multi-part question and need guidance to help me understand better.
The task are commented in the javascript file as // TODO: Q1(c)(iv) Task 1 of 2
// Make an image item using the given url
// (demonstrated elsewhere in this file)
// Store the item in local storage using the given key
// (demonstrated elsewhere in this file)
and // TODO: Q1(c)(iv) Task 2 of 2
// Complete this function to read a file when it is selected:
// (reading files into a data URL using FileReader is demonstrated in Block 3 Part 4)
// …then call addImage using the data URL you obtain
// …and comment out line above using window.DUMMY_DATA_URL
Please help with the above tasks to enable me to save the a chosen image from the HTML add image button into the local storage, using the FileReader function.Thanks