Question Description
In chapter 8,(You will need to read the entire chapter and use the concepts you saw earlier to answer the questions.) Products, Services, and Brands Building Customer Value(Page212), analyze Company Case MINI: Focus on the Essential—Maximize the Experience(page244) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page247). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
8-16 Discuss how MINI has endured for 60 years as a brand, despite being owned by various companies.
8-17 Does MINI have high brand equity? Explain.
8-18 Over the years, has MINI been positioned based on attributes, benefits, or values? Explain.
8-19 Is BMW taking MINI in the right direction with its current branding strategy? Why or why not?
In chapter 9,(You will need to read the entire chapter and use the concepts you saw earlier to answer the questions.) Developing New Products and Managing the Product Life Cycle(Page248), analyze Company Case Bose: Better Products by Focusing on the Product(page272) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page273). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
9-16 Based on concepts discussed in this chapter, describe the factors that have contributed to Bose’s new product success.
9-17 Is Bose’s product development process customer centered? Explain.
9-18 How is Bose unique with respect to product life cycle management?
9-19 With respect to the product life cycle, what challenges does Bose face in managing its product portfolio?
9-20 Can Bose continue to maintain its innovative culture without Amar Bose?
In chapter 9,(You will need to read the entire chapter and use the concepts you saw earlier to answer the questions.) Pricing
Understanding and Capturing Customer Value(Page274), analyze Company Case Gillette: Searching for the Right Price in a Volatile Market(page293) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page295). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
10-16 Based on the concept of customer value–based pricing, explain Gillette’s rise to market dominance.
10-17 Historically, did Gillette employ good-value pricing or value-added pricing? Explain.
10-18 Based on those same concepts of value-based pricing, explain how Gillette’s pricing strategy stopped working.
10-19 What can Gillette do to improve its position in the market?
In chapter 11,analyze Company Case Casper: A Pricing Strategy That Flipped the Mattress Industry(page319) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page321). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
11-16 Explain Casper’s product offering in terms of customer value.
11-17 Which new product pricing strategy does Casper employ? Why does it work?
11-18 Could Casper have achieved the same level of success with a different pricing strategy? Explain.
11-19 Based on principles of price changes, make some predictions for the mattress industry.
In chapter 12,analyze Company Case Target: A Serious Contender in the Same-Day Delivery Business(page352) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page353). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
12-16 As completely as possible, diagram the value delivery network for Target’s grocery business, from raw materials to finished consumer goods.
12-17 Is Target a producer, a customer, or an intermediary? How about Shipt? Explain.
12-18 Discuss Target’s channel management procedures.
12-19 Regarding the same-day delivery venture, why are Target’s partnerships important?
12-20 Will Target’s acquisition of Shipt result in growing revenues in the coming years? Explain.
In chapter 13,analyze Company Case Ulta Beauty: Where the Experience Is Beautiful(page386) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page387). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
13-16 Describe Ulta Beauty’s targeting strategy. Does the chain provide a truly differentiated customer experience?
13-17 How did Ulta Beauty become the nation’s leading beauty retailer based on the retail marketing mix.
13-18 In terms of the major types of retailers, how would you classify Ulta Beauty?
13-19 Can Ulta Beauty continue to maintain its edge against the competition in coming years? Explain.
In chapter 14,analyze Company Case LinkedIn: Crushing the White-Collar Stereotype with IMC(page412) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page413). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
14-15 Which promotional mix elements does LinkedIn use throughout its “In It Together” campaign?
14-16 How does the “In It Together” campaign demonstrate the characteristic of integrated marketing communication? What grade would you give this campaign on integration effectiveness?
14-17 Describe LinkedIn’s target audience. Are LinkedIn’s promotional techniques consistent with that audience?
14-18 What challenges does LinkedIn face in maintaining the success it has achieved with this campaign?
In chapter 15,analyze Company Case Allstate: Bringing Mayhem to the Auto Insurance Advertising Wars(page439) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page441). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
15-16 Why has Allstate’s “good hands” slogan withstood the test of time to become advertising’s longest-running slogan?
15-17 Analyze Allstate’s Mayhem ads based on the process of creating an advertising message as outlined in the text (for the latest Mayhem ads, check .com/mayhem-is-everywhere.aspx).
15-18 Discuss issues of selecting advertising media for the Mayhem campaign. How might this process differ from that of campaigns for other companies?
15-19 Based on the information in this case, how might Allstate measure the effectiveness of the Mayhem campaign?
15-20 Has the Mayhem campaign been effective? Support your answer.
In chapter 16,analyze Company Case Procter & Gamble: Selling through Customer Business Development(page469) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page471). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
16-16 Which of the sales force structures discussed in the text best describes P&G’s CBD structure?
16-17 From the perspective of team selling, discuss the positive as well as possible negative aspects to the customer business development sales organization.
16-18 Discuss ways that the CBD structure may be more effective than a single sales rep for each step in the personal selling process.
16-19 It seems that P&G has the most effective sales force structure of any company in its industry. Why have competitors not been able to match it?
In chapter 17,analyze Company Case OfferUp: A Mobile Solution for the Mobile Era(page501) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page503). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
17-16 As a mobile marketplace, how does OfferUp provide value to shoppers? Sellers?
17-17 Analyze OfferUp’s business model relative to the different forms of digital and online marketing covered in this chapter.
17-18 Describe the value of OfferUp to national brands and retailers as a channel for mobile marketing. Does OfferUp also pose a threat to these companies?
17-19 Compare the competitive relationship between OfferUp and LetGo with that of Uber and Lyft. Based on this comparison, what does the future hold for OfferUp?
17-20 Do you agree with Nick Huzar that OfferUp can succeed without taking business away from Craigslist? Explain.
In chapter 18,analyze Company Case Nokia: Finding Strength by Abandoning its Core Business(page527) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page529). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
18-15 How would you classify Nokia’s competitive position just prior to the introduction of the iPhone? When it sold its mobile phone business to Microsoft? Today?
18-16 Is Nokia a market-centered company? How can it improve in this area?
18-17 How would you describe Nokia’s competitive advantage when it was strong in the mobile phone market? Today?
18-18 Evaluate Nokia according to Treacy and Wiersema’s value disciplines. Does Nokia pursue the same value discipline today that it did when it led the mobile phone market?
In chapter 19,analyze Company Case 7-Eleven: Adapting to the World’s Many Cultures(page556) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page559). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
19-16 Of the five global product and communications strategies, which best describes 7-Eleven’s approach?
19-17 On a scale of one to five, to what degree does 7-Eleven adapt its offering in each global market? Support your answer.
19-18 Which strategy does 7-Eleven employ for entering new markets? How does the company benefit from this approach?
19-19 Is 7-Eleven’s failure in Indonesia a sign of future weakness? Discuss the implications of this failure on the company’s future expansion into other markets.
In chapter 20,analyze Company Case LEGO: Making the World a Better Place—One Brick at a Time(page586) and then answer four Questions “Questions for Discussion” (Page587). Answer five or four sentences per question.:
20-16 Give as many examples as you can for how TLG defies the common social criticisms of marketing.
20-17 Of the five sustainable marketing principles discussed in the text, which one best describes TLG’s approach?
20-18 Analyze TLG’s business using the Societal Classification of Products (Figure 20.3).
20-19 Would TLG be more financially successful if it were not so focused on social responsibility? Explain.