Question Description
Chapter 1, pp. 21 – 31
1. Consider the following scenarios:
- An investigator is interested in studying whether infant child care leads to an insecure attachment bond between children and their mothers during the first year of life as well as into the preschool years.
- An investigator is interested in studying whether a new drug is as effective as diet and exercise in lowering cholesterol levels in an adult sample.
- An investigator is interested in determining whether sociability in children is related to school achievement and whether this relationship, if any, varies for children in preschool, elementary school, and middle school.
For each scenario, answer the following questions:
(1) What research method and design would you choose for this study? Why?
(2) Would the results tell you anything about cause and effect? Why or why not?
(3) Would this study involve any special ethical considerations? If so, what are they?
Formatting guidelines: use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, single-spaced, and follow the APA style for in-text citations.
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2. Answer the questions in well developed paragraph
A few things to keep in mind:
- each post should be at least 150 words and no more than 300 words
- simply disagreeing or agreeing with a classmate is not sufficient (e.g., “Great point.” “I agree with you.” “I thought the same thing.” – do not meet the criteria); you must provide new information in your post;
- it is okay to critique the readings, but the critiques have to be constructive. If you point out any flaws, you must also provide an alternative or a suggestion for how to address the flaws;
Goeke-Morey et al. (2007): What design was utilized in this study? What are the strengths and limitations of this design? What other design would you use to examine their main research question?
Can you think of any special ethical considerations that might arise with this type of study? Explain.
3. Answer the questions in well developed paragraph
A few things to keep in mind:
- each post should be at least 150 words and no more than 300 words
- simply disagreeing or agreeing with a classmate is not sufficient (e.g., “Great point.” “I agree with you.” “I thought the same thing.” – do not meet the criteria); you must provide new information in your post;
- it is okay to critique the readings, but the critiques have to be constructive. If you point out any flaws, you must also provide an alternative or a suggestion for how to address the flaws;
My question is in regards to the journal article Children and Marital Conflict Resolution: Implications for Emotional Security and Adjustment by Marcie C. Goeke-Morey, E. Mark Cummings, and Lauren M. Papp.
In the article, the authors emphasized that they used complimentary research methods. They improved on using only an analog experiment (structured observations in a laboratory). They accomplished this by adding a self report in the form of completing a checklist on a parental home report diary. This provided observations in the natural setting about how the participants viewed the conflict resolution and the child’s emotional responses to the type of resolution.
Why is it important to supplement structured observations done in the laboratory with other methods of data collection?
4. Create a thoughtful question similar to my classmate,