Question Description
HRMD 610
Week 4 Discussion: Employee Relations, Communication, Health, Safety, & Security
- After reading the materials in Week 4, go to:
- Read:
Mission – Investor relations
Our Story – History under Who We Are
Our Responsibility – Heading at the top of the Nucor home page
Investor Relations – Investors heading at the top of the Nucor Page
Governance – search governance and you will see a link to Corporate Leadership and Governance
Products and Locations – under What We Do at top of page and Who We Are at top of page
Career – Career paths
Voice of our Industry – What We Do and Responsibility at top of page.
- Now, go to OSHA’s VPP program: and read the information about the Voluntary Protection Program.
Based on what you have read, compare and contrast the information:
- What NUCOR information jumped out at you?
- Do you see any kinks in its armor? Are there any issues that concern you?
- How does NUCOR’s employee safety, health, & wellness programs support for the organization’s strategy, corporate values, and organizational culture?
- What possible HR measurements/metrics can you identify in the Safety program?
Any time we are using a “.com” web page, it is prudent to check other sources to insure we are getting the whole picture.
Cite and reference all resources
HRMD 650 Week 4 (GRADED)
Data collection is an important part of organizational diagnosis. OD consultants can gather data via quantitative methods (e.g., surveys) and/or qualitative methods (e.g., observation, interviews). Compare and contrast the benefits of using qualitative and quantitative data collection methods as they apply to OD.