Question Description
Q 1 Revise the following sentences into a well-organized, coherent paragraph. Strive to use transitional expressions where appropriate.
- We feel that the extreme strategy has not been developed fully in the fast-food market.
- Pizza Hut is considering launching a new product called The Extreme.
- We plan to price this new pizza at $19.99.
- It will be the largest pizza on the market.
- It will have double the cheese.
- It will also have double the toppings.
- The plan is to target the X and Y Generations.
- The same target audience that would respond to an extreme product also reacts to low prices.
- The X and Y Generations are the fastest-growing segments in the fast-food market.
- These population segments have responded well to other marketing plans using the extreme strategy.
Q2 Use the following facts to construct a coherent paragraph with a topic sentence and appropriate transitional expressions in the supporting sentences.
- The federal government will penalize medical practices that dont adopt electronic medical records (EMRs).
- Valley Medical Center is considering beginning converting soon.
- Converting paper-based records to EMRs will be complex.
- Converting will be technically challenging. It will probably be time-consuming and labor-intensive.
- Converting should bring better patient care and maybe even lower costs in the long run.
- The federal government provides funds to reimburse the cost of adopting the technology.
Q3 Use the following facts to construct a coherent paragraph with a topic sentence and appropriate transitional expressions in the supporting sentences.
- Nearly all teams experience conflict.
- They should recognize and expect it.
- The most effective teams strive to eliminate destructive conflict and develop constructive conflict.
- Destructive conflict arises when team members take criticism personally.
- Destructive conflict poisons teamwork.
- Conflict can become constructive.
- Teams that encourage members to express their opinions may seem to be experiencing conflict when the opinions differ.
Also, type your answers in Word for questions 2 – 4 and copy and paste them when you are ready to submit. Read the information below for more information on organizing paragraphs.
The basic unit in writing is the sentence. The next unit is the paragraph. Although no rule regulates the length of paragraphs, business writers recognize the value of short paragraphs. Paragraphs with fewer than eight printed lines look inviting and readable, whereas long, solid chunks of print appear formidable. In this workshop
Organizing Paragraphs Around Topic Sentences
A well-organized paragraph has two important characteristics. First, it covers just one subject. For example, if you are writing about your booth at a Las Vegas technology expo, you wouldnt throw in a sentence about trouble with the IRS. Keep all the sentences in a paragraph related to one topic. Second, a well-organized paragraph begins with a topic sentence that summarizes what the paragraph is about. A topic sentence helps readers by preparing them for what follows.
Writing Coherent Paragraphs
Effective paragraphs are coherent; that is, they hold together. Coherence is a quality of good writing that doesnt happen accidentally. It is consciously achieved through effective organization and the skillful use of three devices: (a) the repetition of key ideas or keywords, (b) the use of pronouns that refer clearly to their antecedents, and (c) the use of transitional expressions.
Repetition of Key Ideas or Key Words. Repeating a keyword or key thought from a preceding sentence helps guide a reader from one thought to the next. This redundancy is necessary to build cohesiveness into writing.
Use of Pronouns That Refer Clearly to Their Antecedents
Pronouns such as this, that, they, these, those, and it help connect thoughts in sentences. However, these pronouns are useful only when their antecedents are clear. Often, it is better to make the pronoun into an adjective joined with its antecedent to ensure that the reference is absolutely clear.
Use of Transitional Expressions
One of the most effective ways to achieve paragraph coherence is through the use of transitional expressions. These expressions act as road signs. They indicate where the message is headed, and they help the reader anticipate what is coming.