Question Description
Before you begin this assignment, please make sure you have watched the Milgram and Zimbardo videos in the Page. Once I’d like you to answer the following questions:
- After watching the Milgram and Zimbardo films, what would you conclude about the kind of power managers have?
- How should managers use that power in the workplace?
Your answers to those questions should be thoughtful and thorough and submitted as a file that is 1-2 full, double-spaced pages in length. It should not include a summary of the video(s).
This assignment is designed to improve your critical thinking skills by teaching you to analyze and solve real-world business problems. Your submission will be scored using the Case Study Rubric. When a submission falls between categories on the rubric, the score may be adjusted manually to reflect this in-between status.
#### Sample Q and the salutation’s file are uploaded.