Unit 1 Project
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You must complete each of the following problems (#1 – #3). Each problem is worth 5 points.
1. Determine whether inductive or deductive reasoning was used to draw each conclusion. Briefly
explain your choice in one or two short sentences.
a. Working as a nurse in a hospital requires at least a two-year degree in California. Hence, when I
was in the emergency room last week, I asked the nurse where he went to college.
b. Every time Beth sold back her textbooks, she was only paid about 10% of what she originally paid
for the books. Therefore, this semester she realized it would not be worth the effort to sell back
her books at all.
2. Given the following conjecture, determine if it is true or false. If it is false, provide a counterexample.
If it is true, use deductive reasoning to prove it.
When an even number is added to the product of two odd numbers, the result will be even.