Merit Pay and Seniority Pay
Chapter 3 reviews the concepts of merit pay and seniority pay.
A key learning from a compensation course is to understand that various pay systems, pay levels, pay types, etc. can all be effective when applied in the proper organization and in the proper manner.
Likewise, organizations that implement compensation plans or systems that are not effective will incur high costs and minimal returns.
Two very common types of pay in the United States are merit pay and seniority pay.
The assignment for this week:
In your own words (do not copy definitions, do not plagiarize) define merit pay and seniority pay.
What types of organizations and jobs are a good fit for a merit pay system? Why?
Use definitions and examples in your explanation.
What types of organizations and jobs are not a good fit for a merit pay system? Why?
Use definitions and examples to explain your response.
What types of organizations and jobs are a good fit for a seniority pay system? Why?
Use definitions and examples in your explanation.
What types of organizations and jobs are not a good fit for a seniority pay system? Why?
Use definitions and examples to explain your response.
Also explain what role the individual performance appraisal plays in both the merit pay system and the seniority pay system.
Is the individual performance appraisal a useful tool in both systems? Explain
Research and list at least three sources.
Submit your response in paragraph form.
Your submission should be between 300 and 400 words.
See the course syllabus for grading criteria.
Be sure to write in a formal and professional manner. Write in paragraph form. Do not write in an outline or bullet point format.