- On your local computer, create the lab deliverable files.
- Review the Lab Assessment Worksheet. You will find answers to these questions as youproceed through the lab steps.
- Review the following case study on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and Napster
- On your local computer, open a new Internet browser window.
- Using your favorite search engine, search for more information on the Napster case.
- In your Lab Report file, describe the case and be sure to include the following topics:
- How did Napster try to defend itself against RIAA’s claims?
- What does contributory infringement of copyright mean and how did this affectNapster?
- What does material contribution mean and how did this affect Napster?
- What was the court’s decision about the case? What became of Napster?
- In your Lab Report file, describe the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
- In your Lab Report file, explain how the Digital Millennium Copyright Act affected theNapster music-piracy case.