I’m working on a blog post discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Hi again!
so for this math assignment, it is a discussion . It’s basically me writing a 300 word letter pretending to be the mathematician and applying for a job and why should they chose me due to my knowledge and skills. I’m stuck between Isaac Newton and Pythagoras. It also asks to use APA format and I am not very familiar with it. It also asks to include the sources in which you found the mathematician’s background and the Job applying for. Let me know if you have any further questions. Here are the instructions.
https://guides.erau.edu/c.php?g=474416 Hunt library site
Choose a mathematician who is listed in your textbook. Review the index at the back of the book to easily find one. Use the Hunt Library resources to research the mathematician’s background. Be sure to relate your mathematician to the Learning Outcomes listed on the course syllabus located in the navigation menu. To get started, use the Mathematicians & Their History Research Guide (Links to an external site.) prepared by the Hunt Library Research Librarians.
Think about today’s job market and how your mathematician would fit in the working world.
Identify a current job opening that would best utilize your selected mathematician’s knowledge and skills. Use sources such as Indeed (Links to an external site.) or Monster (Links to an external site.) to find job postings. Save the link to the posted job description.
Write & Submit
Be creative and have fun pretending to be the famous mathematician you selected. Write a letter, as the mathematician, to the prospective employer indicating how “your” knowledge, skills, and experience make you the best candidate for the job. Your letter should be at least 300 words and relate to at least one of the Learning Outcomes of this course.
For writing assistance, review the Writing Lab and APA and Other Style References sections on the Academic Resources page. For additional writing support, schedule an appointment with the Virtual Communication Lab. (Links to an external site.)
Save your letter as a document. Include the link to the job description in the document. Remember to cite your sources using current APA formatting. Submit it for evaluation using the Module 2: Assignment: Turnitin (PLG1) by the end of the third day of the module week.