I’m working on a nursing question and need support to help me learn.
citing at least 3 scholarly sources (excluding sources like dictionaries, Wiki and other informal sources).
As you begin to engage in the process of exploring the relationships between philosophy, science, theory and the implications for nursing practice, you need to learn more about concepts which are building blocks of theory. The currently accepted metaparadigm concepts in nursing are person, environment, health and nursing. These metaparadigm concepts are abstract vehicles of thought that guided the development of many nursing theories. These theories, in turn provide frameworks for explaining, predicting, and sometimes controlling situations in nursing practice. Please note that nursing practice is not only referring to clinical practice, it can also refer to nursing education. Each of these metaparadigm concepts encompasses many less abstract concepts, which have been written about and explored by scholars.
The purpose of this concept mapping assignment is to explore some of these concepts relevant to students own nursing practice. This exploration is done through the following process:
- Identify 4 concepts (one concept under each of the metaparadigm concepts) relevant to your practice. For example, you are a case manager, you identified case management as a concept under the metaparadim concept of nursing. You identified indigenous population as the concept under person, the concept of primary care clinics under environment, and the concept of hypertension under health.
- Search the literature to see if a concept analysis has been done on each of the identified concepts.
- Write a summary for each concept. You will have a total of 4 summaries. If a concept analysis paper on the selected concept has been done, please simply paraphrase the abstract of the concept analysis paper; if a concept analysis paper on the selected concept has not been done, please provide a summary of the concept citing at least 3 scholarly sources (excluding sources like dictionaries, Wiki and other informal sources). Each summary should be at least 300 words.
- Proofread the paper including APA style checking.
Concept Exploration Paper Rubric
Concept Exploration Paper Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1. Identify a concept relevant to nursing practice, and provide a sound rationale for the selection (not included in the word count):a. Under the concept of Person
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1 (cont’d). Identify a concept relevant to nursing practice, and provide a sound rationale for the selection (not included in the word count):b. Under the concept of Environment
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1 (cont’d). Identify a concept relevant to nursing practice, and provide a sound rationale for the selection (not included in the word count)c. Under the concept of Health
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1 (cont’d). Identify a concept relevant to nursing practice, and provide a sound rationale for the selection (not included in the word count):d. Under the concept of Nursing
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2. Provide a concise and accurate summary of each selected concept based on the literature. Each summary is at least 300 words.a. For the concept under Person
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2 (cont’d). Provide a concise and accurate summary of each selected concept based on the literature. Each summary is at least 300 words.b. For the concept under Environment
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2 (cont’d). Provide a concise and accurate summary of each selected concept based on the literature. Each summary is at least 300 words.c. For the concept under Health
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2 (cont’d). Provide a concise and accurate summary of each selected concept based on the literature. Each summary is at least 300 words.d. For the concept under Nursing
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3. Assignment Formata. A reference list follows APA
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3 (cont’d). Assignment Formatb. Sentence structure, spelling and grammar
10 pts
Total Points: 10