Using Yahoo Finance, complete the following:
Select a publicly traded to company to evaluate. Do not select banks or holding companies.
Enter the stock symbol in the Get Quotes field. If you cannot find a stock symbol, search Google by entering the company name followed by the words stock symbol.
Enter the stock symbol or select the symbol from the list
Select Financials from the menu selections just below the stock price.
Requirements: (Submit via Canvas)
Using the attachment below, complete the financial analysis of your company for the two most recent years. Submit the spreadsheet to me via Canvas. It will be easier to enter the data on the spreadsheet if you print the financial statements.
Access Yahoo Finance, enter the stock symbol field.
Select Financials from the menu selections just below the stock price.
After accessing a financial statement, click on EXPAND ALL (top right of financial statement).
Using Word, analyze the data by referencing the two year period and the industry averages in the following areas:
Staying Power
Earning Power
Overall efficiency ratios
Working capital cycle ratios
ratio analysis template 2021 master-aaf7326b-b2c6-4273-a15f-1e092008ea97.xlsx
Use CSI Market. com below to look up industry averages (Go, enter stock symbol, select Fundamentals. Use Industry column to retrieve data for all ratios except Earnings Quality and Accounts Payable turnover). Use the TTM (Trailing Twelve Months) data from the Industry column