I’m working on a management writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
1. Please read one business article from the following link:
2. Please read Textbook Chapter 6. Delta Case on pp. 185-186.
Written Assignment Questions:
Article 1 Questions:
Question 1. What are some potential explanations for why job satisfaction levels are on the rise, even in the face of seemingly stagnant drivers?
Question 2. Which theory in the article is more compelling – that organizations are getting better at messaging or that employees are lowering expectations?
Please answer below three Case Questions on textbook Chapter 6, p.186.
6.1. Which motivational theories does Delta appear to be leveraging in its approach to motivation?
6.2. Picture being an employee of Delta during the period where the company transitioned -into and out of – bankruptcy. What motivational implications would that experience have, and how long would they last?
6.3. Which do you think is most motivational for Delta’s employees? Their high base pay, their generous profit sharing, or a CEO who is so accessible and communicative?
Submission Instructions:
Make sure to fully answer all four questions (with all sub-questions). Need to include question numbers for each answer. Please apply chapter theories and contents in your answer. Also, if you have any related experience, try to share your own experience in your answers.
No cover page. No more than 5 pages (expect to see at least 4.5 pages of your answers, excluding references). Longer submission will not lose points (unless it goes over 6 pages), but shorter submission will lose points in detail criteria.Double-space and 12 pt. font size. One-inch margins. APA style.
Complete and submit the assignment by 23:59 EST Sunday.
Textbook Link: https://player-ui.mheducation.com/#/epub/sn_4cf91#epubcfi(%2F6%2F130%5Bdata-uuid-0ee4b7a33958400a990281f97d3f352d%5D!%2F4%2F1:0)