Emailing Lazy Employees
Imagine receiving the following email from your CEO.
We are getting less than 40 hours of work from a large number of our EMPLOYEES. The parking lot is sparsely used at 8am; likewise at 5pm. As managers, either you do not know what your EMPLOYEES are doing or you do not CARE. In either case, you have a problem and you will fix it or I will replace you.
NEVER in my career have I allowed a team, which worked, for me to think they had a 40-hour job. I have allowed YOU to create a culture that is permitting this.NO LONGER.
The note (paraphrased) continues: I will NO LONGER give out employee benefits. I will be watching the parking lot and expect it to be substantially full at 7:30am and 6:30pm on weekdays and half-full on Saturdays. You have two weeks. Tick, tock.
1.Identify the problems with thisemail.
2.What impact would this message have on you if you receivedit?
3.Is email the best way to convey such amessage? Explain Answer.
4.What problems might arise if people outside the organization sawthis email?
5.What suggestions, if any, would you have for the CEO to helphim/her improve communicationeffectiveness?