You are the new account manager for the communication agency that handles integrated marketing communication (IMC) for the Special Kbrand . Your first decision is to conduct an IMC audit (review all IMC elements for the current strategy). You’ll need to do the following, which you should submit as a discussion post:
- Identify and discuss advertising strategy (see a – d below), including major media classes (i.e., TV, mobile, social media, radio, websites, etc.). Here are examples:
a) Describe the target audience demographically as well as psychographically (lifestyle, values, motives, etc.).
b) What is/are the communication objective(s) (i.e., awareness, informative/knowledge, attitude change, behavioral incentive, other)?
c) Based on the objective(s), how would you describe the communication ‘problem’ or need/want for the target audience?
d) What is the general message the brand is communicating to the audience? This is the essence of the brand meaning that is shared among all Special K products (i.e., cereal, protein bars, breakfast bars, etc.).
2. Identify and discuss/explain all forms of consumer sales promotion utilized (i.e., coupons, price-off, contests, sweepstakes, sampling, other – distributed through any/all media).
Sales Promo_Outline Guide.docx
3. Identify and discuss/explain events sponsored (or created) by Special K – why are they doing it?
4. Identify and discuss/explain PR and publicity utilized by the brand (might include positive or negative stories created by other sources) – why are they doing it?
5. Identify and discuss/explain interactive marketing efforts (online/digital/social media) – why are they doing it?
Read the Hierarchy of Effects Theory article linked here and in the Week 7 reading section. This model describes the mental, emotional/physiological, attitudinal, and behavioral (e.g., researching) process that leads to intention to buy/accept/adopt and new idea, etc. IMC Communication campaigns attempt to influence consumers with various messages, media, celebrities, music, imagery – to influence emotions, beliefs, intentions, and/or actions. It doesn’t happen all at once. It’s a total effort to persuade, build relationships, and involves other consumers (i.e., social media friends, third-party endorsements, etc.). Bottom line: the model represents what happens to people at emotional, psychological, and behavioral levels. One major objective today seems to be attitude change through emotional appeals (i.e., cause you to like/prefer a person, idea, brand without ‘knowing’ much about it). Media sources (FB, CNN, Newsmax, History Channel, etc.) and media programming (FB groups, Anderson Cooper 360, Greg Kelly, Ancient Aliens) are also highly influencial sources.
Reflect on a recent purchase or acceptance experience you had with a new product or service (i.e., something you’ve never bought or considered buying – could also be accepting a new idea, belief system, ideology, person, etc.)
Submit an initial post that addresses the following questions:
- Outline and briefly explain (one sentence, your words) each of the six steps in the Hierarchy of Effects process: Awareness, Knowledge, Liking, Preference, Conviction, Purchase
- What were your experiences (thoughts, feelings, memories, beliefs, actions) as you went through the process of considering, liking, preferring, intending, etc. the product, idea, person, or service? In other words, how did the advertising messages, sales promotions (i.e., incentives – coupons, etc.), publicity, interactive experiences, media sources/programming influence your thinking, emotions, intentions/desires, and behaviors. Please think this through carefully.
- What communication messages, individuals, and/or media were effective? What was not effective?
- Do you need to be fully informed (knowledgeable) prior to accepting or wanting something/someone? Is it possible for brands/people to omit facts or add false information and still make a postive impact on attitudes? How might brands/people target your feelings/emotions to manipulate you? Try to identify a brand, idea, company, or person that you feel different about due to new information you’ve learned.
Please include a citation to at least one specific marketing approach that the brand leveraged in their marketing effort.