part 1
Assignment Description: Inmate subcultures are thought to be related to the concepts of prisonization, mortification, importation, and the pain of imprisonment. Discuss why this might be.
Why might these factors contribute to the formation of gangs in prison?
What can prison managers do to reduce the characteristics that lead to the formation of subcultural groups in prisons?
Assignment Guidelines: Assignments must be between 300-400 words, in a standard 12 pt font. If citations are used, APA style should be implemented.A rubric rubric – Alternative Formats has been provided.
M2A2 Discussion Board 2
M2A2 Discussion Board 2Discussion Board Topic: Recall the Stanford Prison experiment and the Abu Ghraib scandal. These events concerned guardians who abused their power. The textbook postulates that education and training will prevent overt abuse such as this from occurring. Do you agree with this? What other things can be done to prevent those who are responsible for guarding others from harming those who are under their care?
- part 2
Discussion Board Topic: Looking at the pros and cons of community-based corrections, do you think probation is too lenient for felony offenders?
What do you feel is the greatest pro and the greatest con of probation? What do you feel is the greatest pro and the greatest con of parole?
Are there other creative options besides probation/parole or electronic monitoring that can allow for convicted offenders to remain in the community?
Explain your answers fully.
Discussion Board Guidelines: Submit an answer to the discussion board. Each discussion board post will be between 200 300 words long. Refer & cite current resources in your answer. You will need to respond to one peers posting. Your peer response should be a minimum of three sentences.A rubric rubric – Alternative Formats has been provided.
M3A2 Discussion Board 4
M3A2 Discussion Board 4Discussion Board Topic: Peruse Prisoner Reentry: What Works, What Does Not, and What is Promising (Reading 16) and Prisoner Reentry in a Small Metropolitan Community: Obstacles and Policy Recommendations (Reading 17). Use the internet to do your own research on prisoner reentry.
What are your thoughts on the issue? Do you feel that prisoner reentry is important? Do you feel that successful reentry is tied into a lower rate of recidivism?
The link above from the Florida Department of Corrections.