First thing A. Case Study
Steve, a 54-year-old man, describes himself as suffering from a social anxiety disorder. He says that he was a school phobic as a student, feeling like every day was a performance that frightened him. High school was one of the most painful experiences of my life, he proclaims, and he is not interested in reunions, which would stir up those memories. He now finds himself clamming up in dining situations when others are close, feeling that others are watching him. There are some clear signs of paranoid ideation in Stevethe hypervigilance and fear of being watched. But his primary fear is that others will see him as ignorant or stupid. He began his academic work as a philosophy student and was a successful teacher but the fear of a dissertation committees judgment and his obsessive concern with whether his teaching was acceptable drove him out of the academic arena for his work.
1. What is the connection between anxiety and paranoia? Does Steve suffer from paranoia or anxiety?
2. Is Steves fear of appearing ignorant or stupid typical of a social phobic? Why would he have such a fear when he appears to be quite professional, composed, and engaging?
3. Would you advise Steve to try to face up to his fears and continue to pursue his career as a teacher or avoid such difficult situations and find easier ways of making a living?
Second thing B
- Early Childhood Physical DevelopmentFor this weeks Module Assignment we will be focusing on physical development in early childhood. Id like you to focus on preschool and school aged children when examining the issue of childhood obesity. Your assignment is to focus on either a) food consumption; or b) physical activity by looking at both the home and school environment. This is NOT a personal reflection of your own parenting practices or those of your parents, your kids school, etc. Please approach this like a researcher. Heres your mission.If you choose to write about food consumption:
- Look up the school menu at a public elementary school in Indiana or Illinois and report on the offerings for 1 week. What are the nutritional recommendations for 5-6 year olds (do not forget to cite)? Are the menus healthy why/why not? Public schools adhere to a national standard. Is that standard sufficient? What could be improved? What is working? Look up the (approximate) calorie count, fat content, and any other nutritional information you deem important (i.e. sodium) by doing an online search. Weight loss sites often have these tools for free use.
- After you have fully explored the schools role in childhood nutrition, discuss the role of the home environment. What practices of families are helpful/hinder healthy eating? This can be done in 1-2 paragraphs. Many of us could probably write about this for several pages, but I just want to know that youve considered multiple factors.
If you choose to b) physical activity:
- Look up the physical education and recess policy and practice at a public elementary school in Indiana or Illinois. Do these practices encourage adequate levels of physical activity? What is the recommendation for physical activity for early childhood (dont forget to cite)? Is physical activity a necessary component in education why/why not? What, if anything, should the school do differently and why?
- After you have fully explored the schools role in physical activity, discuss the role of the home environment. What practices of families/parenting are helpful to or hinder adequate physical activity? This part can be done in 1-2 paragraphs. Again, many of us could probably write about this for several pages, but I just want to know that youve considered multiple factors.
Third C
How might the controversy surrounding TV (Movie or other media) and aggressiveness be explained by a behaviorist? Do you agree with this behaviorist perspective? please explain.
In contrast, how might social and social-cognitive theorists explain aggressive behavior?
Instructions: For each scenario below, consider the followingquestion: In light of your belief, what is the explanation for your behavior?
Here is an example of a scenario and explanation. Your explanations should be responses to the 7 scenarios listed below.
Scenario: You are a devout Catholic. You go to church and confession every Sunday.
Explanation: This behavior is in line with the dictates of myreligion. I am Catholic and my religion emphasizes certain rituals and communal activities like going to Church, hearing a sermon, and making confession. So as a way to express mydevotion to my faith, I attend Church and confession every Sunday.
Scenario 1: You are very concerned about the environment. You recycle all your paper and glass.
Scenario 2: You are very concerned about the environment. You recycle all your glass but do not recycle paper.
Scenario 3: You are a strict vegetarian. You eat a soy-based hamburger alternative at a cookout.