Please answer the following 2 questions in a few short paragraphs. Each answer should be about half a page.
Q1 .Should Numenta go horizontal, making the technology as general purpose as possible; or should it go deep, prove the technology works, and then broaden?
This question is based on the Numenta case (attached)
Q2. Please develop your own 2-by-2 matrix to illustrate a company’s strategy.
For example, I used to use the case of Southwest Airlines. The airline market may be analyzed by a 2-by-2 matrix, with the horizontal dimension being costs and vertical dimension being customer service. Then we can identify 4 types of companies: (1) high cost; high service; (2) high cost; low service; (3) low cost; high service; and (4) low cost; low service. Based on the case info, we could say that Southwest is in the quadrangle of (3).
Simply put, 2-by-2 matrix means to identify two most important/relevant dimensions and then create four quardrangles like the Southwest case. The “build core competency” matrix in the lecture is another example. (The lecture is attached – ‘Week 2 lecture files’)
You are welcome to use a figure to illustrate the 2-by-2 matrix, which is one of the important strategic analysis tools.