1.Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Local departments today have instituted some form of community policing. This type of policing represents a major change in the role of the police, which focuses on cooperation between members of the community and the police.
Community policing is a collaborative effort between the police and the community that identifies problems of crime and disorder and involves all elements of the community in the search for solutions to these problems. It is founded on close, mutually beneficial ties between police and community members.
Community policing offers a way for police to act as a catalysis to re-energize a community. The input and talents of all members of the community are sought in implementing the philosophy. Developing strong, self-sufficient communities is an essential step in creating an atmosphere in which serious crime will not flourish.
At the center of community policing are three essential and complementary core components: community partnership, problem solving and change management.
Research the web for information on community policing, preferably in your own region.
Identify and discuss two initiatives by a police department to make neighborhoods safer using community policing principles. Im not looking for public relations events but well-planned activities that focus on engaging citizens in public safety. You must cite your sources so I can read the background material.
2. Patrol work is considered the backbone of policing, as patrol officers interact with the public throughout their shifts.?Prevention of crime includes activities to keep the citizens safe and is a catalyst to improve the publicpolice relationship.
Imagine you are a senior police officer asked to give a presentation for new recruits to introduce them to patrol work and crime prevention strategies employed to maintain public safety. (Your title page should reflect this!)
Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation* in which you:
Explain the difference between patrol and these four other roles within a police departmentcrime analyst, dispatcher, detective, crime prevention specialist.
What are 3 functions of patrol work as noted in Chapter 7? Define and provide an example of each.
Describe these patrol strategies and how they are used. Note how each affects crime and community relationsHot spots, directed patrol, officer-initiated activity, service style of policing, legalistic style of policing.
Identify at least two improvements or innovations that have been incorporated to aid in patrol. How does each improve police patrol work? [DO NOT use modes of transportation, radios, weapons, radars. Those will not count toward your score.]
State the difference between reactive and proactive patrol strategies used by the police. Give examples. Explain how proactive patrol can help reduce crime.