The Jackson School has stringent requirements on who can enroll because it is a Limited Enrollment Program Admissions needs your help to create a Python script to determine student eligibility for enrollment and analytics on collected data. The school will only enroll a maximum of 500 students. All eligible students are automatically enrolled. Of all students enrolled, some students will earn a scholarship. A student is eligible to enroll when they have a GPA of at least 3.75 and whether they have successfully passed mat100 with a grade of “C-” or higher. Of all students eligible to enroll, students having achieved a GPA of at least 3.95 will earn a $9,500 scholarship. Students having achieved a GPA of at least 3.8, but less than 3.95 will earn a $4,950 scholarship. Any GPAs less than 3.8 will not be eligible for a scholarship.
Create a Python script enabling an admissions officer to continually enter student application data until the maximum number of students enrolled is reached or the admissions officer indicates they are finished entering student application data, whichever comes first. One at a time, your script must allow the admissions officer to enter each student’s name, GPA, and whether they successfully passed mat100 with a grade of “C-” or higher. Based on each student’s application data, print well-formatted, professional output informing the admissions officer if the student is eligible for enrollment. For eligible students, the output must include the student’s scholarship amount earned. Once student application data entry is complete, the script must print a well-formatted, professional report including the total number of applications reviewed, total number of students eligible to enroll, and the average amount earned by only students earning a scholarship.
You may assume the admissions officer will input numbers for all numeric input. However, you must perform
range validation. For example, if you were asking for a person’s age, 1000 is not a valid age. When input is
invalid, the solution must print an error message to the user and re-prompt them to enter a new value.
You may not ask the user how many student applications they will enter; this information is unknown.
You must not exit any repetition statements using break, continue, return, or any other similar
strategy. A repetition statement must only exit when its iteration condition is false.
no magic values or libraries
please use basic python while and if statements.