Hello! Please read the case and powerpoint attached and answer these discussion questions. Please be sure that each question is at least 2-3 paragraphs long. Please go into detail. Thank you!
1. What are the advantages and limitations of group decision making? Where do we see both in the self-directed teams in this case?
Please note: Self-directed teams are teams that are given substantial control over decisions about and execution of a complete range of tasks (e.g., acquiring materials, performance standards, quality control, choosing projects to take on, and in fully autonomous teams even the makeup of the team itself).
2. In terms of both personnel management and plant policy, how would you address the identified areas of struggle between the workforce and plant management? Where would you set the boundary in decision making between the self-directed teams and management?
Please note: Self-directed teams are teams that are given substantial control over decisions about and execution of a complete range of tasks (e.g. acquiring materials, performance standards, quality control, choosing projects to take on, and in fully autonomous teams even the makeup of the team itself).
4. Why does Amasi decide to use this work system at the new Corpus Christi plant? Explain his decision-making process using either the classical or bounded rationality model of decision making. (Please explicitly identify each step in which ever process you choose).
5. If you were Amasi, how would you present the benefits of the self-directed team concept and the reasons for continuing the Corpus Christi Experiment to the unionized workforce in the other two Wolfe plants?