Compare and contrast in a formal language the work of two pioneers (there are many others) in literary journalism who inspired further generations of writers – Stephen Crane’s short piece When Man Falls, a Crowd Gathers (in The Art of Fact, pp. 58-62) and Jack London’s excerpt from his book The People of the Abyss (in TheArt of Fact, pp. 83-89). Please discuss any four or more aspects among the following: themes, point of view, scene construction, status life, dialogue, any other element related to action line, scene setting, and/or characterization. Use them as a framework to your essay. How are those aspects manifested in their work? Where do they coincide and where do they differ? Each author had a contribution to literary journalism in their time and context. What does it seem to be? Give examples but use short quotes. I expect you to write this analysis using powerful, crisp language. Be original. Don’t copy ideas from the Internet or your classmates. Remember that Turnitin flags plagiarism and similarities.
Give yourself a chance to be bold and creative!
Write in third person (do not use I, me, we, our, etc.), use doubled-spaced text and Times New Roman 12 pt. font without extra spaces between paragraphs. Indent all paragraphs.
Your main sources should be the two writers published in our textbook The Art of Fact and the course online content and Telling True Stories. Use APA style for in-text citations and reference section for individual authors of chapters from The Art of Fact.
In-text citation: Author last name, original year it was published/year it was published in the anthology) such as (Crane, 1894/1997) and (London, 1903/1997).
Reference entry: Author, A. (year it was published in the anthology). Title of original work. In E. Editor (Eds.). Title of anthology or collection in sentence case and italics (pp. xx-xxx). City, State: Publisher.
If you add information from our power points, cite it in the text as (Herscovitz, 2022). In the reference section, use: Herscovitz, H. (Year). PowerPoint title [PowerPoint slides]. Department Name, University Name. When citing the collection Telling True Stories, make sure you identify each author instead of offering the editors’ names.
Length: 800-1,000 words+. Add the word count and a creative title. Check the Rubric.
Deadline: before 10:00 pm Sunday, March 13.
Course Online Content