A. Describe the problems Company A has with network security and infrastructure using details from one or more of the Company A Organizational Chart, Company A Risk Analysis, and Company A Visio Diagram supporting documents.
B. Run Zenmap and OpenVAS on Company Bs network(s) using the Performance Assessment Lab Area web link. Your submission should include the following documents:
a screenshot of the completed Zenmap scanshould be taken within the lab environment and should include your name and student ID
- a screenshot of the OpenVAS report resultshould be taken within the lab environment and should include your name and student ID
- the completed Zenmap PDF file(s)
- the completed OpenVAS PDF fileshould include your name in the summary of the report
- Note: This assessment requires you to submit pictures, graphics, and/or diagrams. Each file must be a supporting document no larger than 30 MB in size. Diagrams must be original and may be hand-drawn or drawn using a graphics program. Do not use CAD programs because the file will be too large. Your final network drawing should be saved in *.vsd format using Microsoft Visio or a similar software tool.
C. Describe the potential impact of two network security or infrastructure problems of Company B using details from the outputs of Zenmap and OpenVas (see supporting documents below), including rationale for each problem.
1. Explain how correcting each of these problems will improve the functioning of the merged network.
D. Provide a network topology diagram using Microsoft Visio or a similar software tool that represents the proposed merging requirements from the scenario of Company A and Company B, including remediation of all existing infrastructure problems described in part A and part C.
Please follow the web link listed below to download a free student version of Visio Professional 2019.
E. Identify which layer of the OSI model and layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack apply to each component in the merged network topology diagram.
F. Justify the retention or deletion of four existing components as suggested in your proposed network topology diagram. Include how each components retention or deletion and any newly required additions to the network address both security concerns and budgetary restrictions found in the scenario.
G. Explain how two secure network design principles are included in your proposed merged network topology diagram.
H. Describe two secure hardware and/or software components integrated into the proposed network topology and how each component will address the security needs of the merged organization.
I. Explain how the proposed network topology diagram for the merged organization addresses security safeguards based on a regulatory compliance requirement.
J. Explain a security threat and one potential network problem that would become a risk as part of the implementation of the proposed network topology diagram, including why each would become a risk.
1. Explain how the security threat and potential network problem should each be managed or mitigated as part of the implementation of the proposed topology diagram.