Now that you have watched the Yalom Therapy Session consider the following to deepen your thoughts about Humanistic Therapy:
How does this treatment differ from a cognitive-behavioral approach? How would a CBT therapist have treated this woman? Be as specific as possible, using examples from the video to “re-treat” her using CBT, and explain how CBT differs from Yalom’s humanistic approach.
Then, reflect on one of the humanistic credos “It is the relationship that heals.” Yalom felt that he should have a therapeutic relationship with his clients that was highly authentic, consisting of deep caring and empathy, even if the client was a criminal – he called that unconditional positive regard. What kinds of barriers might you have to get past to give others unconditional positive regard if you were treating clients in a prison setting?
Once you have completed your initial post of 150-250 words, read and reply to at least two other posts (substantial replies should be at least 40 words each).
Video Link: