Please download Sundstrom and Kevane’s Guide to R. Read the brief Introduction and also pages 1-16 (Note: these are the page numbers printed on the page; if you are referring to pages of the PDF document, Chapter 1 actually starts on page 11.)
1.) After reading these pages, install R and R Studio on your machine. Open R Studio and take a screenshot and paste it into a document that contains your answers to this assignment so I can verify you have installed them.
2.) With R Studio open, install the following packages: ggplot2, stargazer, sandwich, and car. (Actually only stargazer and car are critical for this course; the other two are good to have if you want to use R in future classes.) To learn do this, refer to page 8 of the Sundstrom and Kevane Guide.
3.) Create a directory folder. This can be a folder on your desktop.
4.) Download this data file (mergedPUMA8511.csv) Note it is in CSV format. Save it to your directory folder.
5.) Determine the path to your directory folder. On a PC, open the folder, single click on the CSV file that you have saved in it, right click and choose properties. On a Mac, right click and choose get info. Copy and paste the path (location) into your answers.
6.) Download this script file (script_matt_1_25_2019). Note it is in R Script format. Save it to your directory folder.
7.) Double click on the script file after you have saved it to your directory folder. It should open in R Studio. Modify line 22 to match YOUR directory folder’s path.
8.) Highlight all the lines in Section 1 (this means, lines 13-39). Click the Run button. What happens? Describe what happens in one or two sentences.
9.) Highlight all the lines in Section 2. Click Run. Describe what happens.
10.) Highlight all the lines in Section 3. Click Run. Describe what happens.