Help me study for my Excel class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.
1. Plant Location. The Spencer Shoe Company manufactures a line of inexpensive shoes in oneplant in Pontiac and distributes to five main distribution centers (Milwaukee, Dayton, Cincinnati,Buffalo, and Atlanta) from which the shoes are shipped to retail shoe stores. Distribution costsinclude freight, handling, and warehousing costs. To meet increased demand, the company hasdecided to build at least one new plant with a capacity of 40,000 pairs per week. Surveys havenarrowed the choice to three locations, Cincinnati, Dayton, and Atlanta. As expected, productioncosts would be low in the Atlanta plant, but distribution costs are relatively high compared to theother two locations. Other data are as follows.
Assume that Spencer Shoe Company will keep operating at Pontiac and build a plant at one of thethree new alternatives. Which alternative will lead to the lowest total cost, including production,distribution, and fixed costs, and what is the minimum weekly cost?Hint of variable definition.Variables Definitionyj =1 if plants with names starting with P, C, D and A are open respectively, 0 otherwisexij Amount of pairs transported from plant i to distribution center j i={P,C,D,A}and j ={M,D,C,B,A} 2. Untied Airlines needs to decide which of the cities from which it current