PowerPoint Presentation: A Dream Community
Description of your ideal community: The introduction for your presentation will be a description of your dream community. Describe what you look for in an ideal community. What sort of things make your community ideal?
Describe the following aspects: The body of your presentation will describe
Types of people. Diversity in terms of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and social class.
How is the population distributed?
Number of people and population density.
Non-human animals in your community.
Types of work the population is engaged in and how wealth is distributed.
In addition, describe the government, private, and non-profit services
- Transportation
- Waste collection
- Public utilities
- How are services paid for?
- Physical Structure of the Community
- Type of housing
Parks and recreational areas
- Office buildings
Shopping areas
- Geography
- Water
- Land area
- Climate
- How would your community meet a sustainable ecological footprint
- Food resources
- Energy needs and resources
Use the different concepts you have learned in the course (social class, immigration, ecological footprinting, new urbanism, etc.) to help you develop your ideas about a dream community.