GB600 Unit-4 Journal
Journal: Ethical Political Strategies
Chapter 7 of the text (DuBrin, 2023) explores political tactics and strategies. Many people have a rather negative view of organizational politics due to unfavorable situations experienced in the workplace; however, there are specific political tactics and strategies that are actually very positive and ethical. These are divided into three general categories: gaining power, building relationships, and avoiding political blunders.
Complete the Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz 7-2 – The Positive Organizational Politics Questionnaire.
Briefly share what you learned from the assessment, including strengths and development opportunities. Rank the general categories of gaining power, building relationships, and avoiding political blunders from your strongest to weakest. Identifies a category of political tactics for development.
Using your text and one other current and reliable source (a peer reviewed article is not required), explore ideas and recommendations for improving one of the categories over the next 3–6 months.