Journal Choice
My Scholarly project focuses on addressing Opioid Overdose in Homeless Populations.
The purpose of this assignment is for you to choose a journal that is relevant to your project topic as well as to understand the requirements of the journal for your final manuscript. For example, if your chosen journal requires AMA format you may want to change your reference pages from APA to AMA format. In one page state why you chose the journal, the intended audience of the journal, and summary of the journal requirements. See attached rubric. In addition, please submit a copy of the journal’s author guidelines or provide a link to the author guidelines and submit a sample article form the journal you chose.
Rubric DNP 896 Course II Rubric Journal Choice Assignment V.March 2021.docx
Use the following links to guide you into which journal to choose:
Nursing Editors Journal DirectoryLinks to an external site.
Elsevier Nursing JournalsLinks to an external site.
Nursing Center JournalsLinks to an external site.
The following documents will help guide you in the process as well:
Getting Published-Five Things You Need to Know.docx
Considerations for DNP Manuscript Publication Authorship and Co-authorship.docx