Personal Counseling Theory
***FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS THOROUGHLY, MUST INCLUDE AI report & Similarity report, this is nonnegotiable**
Seligman and Reichenberg’s text has discussed secular counseling theories that emphasize client background, emotions, thoughts, actions, and systems (family, etc.). The Tan integration text, class presentations, and various articles have addressed theological and Christian worldview aspects of applying various secular theories. You will combine these sources and additional outside research (ten additional sources) to describe your emerging “working theory” of counseling. In total, a minimum of 15 sources are required. Your working theory can focus mainly on one secular theory that you like or be a combination of several secular theories that you like.
2. The paper will be in the current APA format; however, first person is permitted since you are describing your emerging theory. The paper will include the following section headings.
a. Background: Factors Influencing Distress. This section will discuss how the following factors are creating the client’s distress:
i. Backgrounds
ii. Emotions/sensations
iii. Thoughts
iv. Actions
v. Family/cultural systems
b. Content: Theory Based Treatment Strategies:
i. Explain key underlying mechanisms that lead to meaningful change in clients.
ii. Describe key treatment strategies and relate them to the intended outcome(s).
c. Integration of Christian worldview:
i. In light of the above intended outcome, explain how your Christian worldview develops a responsible faith-based eclectic working theory.
ii. Include what biblical principles inform your theory. Many times scriptural themes can relate to your chosen theories. The Tan text and narrated PowerPoints related to Biblical worldview considerations should give you a clear idea of a variety of theological principles supporting the secular models and alert you to issues related to these models.
iii. Provide an example of a biblical worldview issue that should be addressed. Secular theories often see human nature as basically good (humanistic theories), dark or bad (Freud’s theory of human nature being a cauldron of instincts and defense mechanisms), or neutral (behaviorism). The Bible, on the other hand, recognizes us as having the capacity for tremendous good because we are created in the image of God and also the capacity for evil because of the fallen nature, so we have both from a biblical worldview framework.
d. Conclusion: Summarize your findings in your “Conclusion.” Please be reminded not to introduce new material that was not included in the body of your paper.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.