E portifolio
Obtain the portfolio record/document that you used to record your personal learning outcomes. The same e-portfolio record/document will be used during each DNP 896 course. See the video directions below.
1. Please note the E-portfolio consists of 2 parts. One is the Word document that lists all the Essentials and sub-headings. You will use this document to identify your personal learning outcomes as well as identify any assignments in other classes that pertain to meeting the essentials. The second part is to create an e-portfolio in the Canvas repository where you will upload any documentation supporting the Word document portfolio. This portfolio can be saved when you finish the DNP program, serving as a means to categorize all your learning. There are links on how to complete the Canvas portfolio and there is a sample as well as video instructions below.
2. During each DNP 896 Course add a brief statement in column 1 beside the appropriate DNP Essential/NKU DNP program outcome or sub-outcome/category stating how you met the outcome. If you have a document to support your statement, then upload the support document to the portfolio site in Canvas. For example, DNP Essential VII -1 states: Analyze epidemiological, bio-statistical, environmental, and other appropriate scientific data related to individual, aggregate, and population health. In the box in column 1 beside the essential you could state “completed a paper which included epidemiological and environmental principles in DNP 801.” Then upload your epidemiology paper to the portfolio repository Canvas site. Please note you do not need to have artifacts for every activity you completed in the program- just include a sampling or at minimum one demonstrating your accomplishment of the Essential. See sample in Personal Learning Outcomes .
3. Include the link to the repository on the assignment page as faculty do not have access to your portfolio unless you include the link here or email the repository link to your faculty.
4. The same process is followed for your personal learning outcomes that you write and meet each semester. You will record how you met the personal learning outcomes in column 3 on the portfolio document and then update supporting materials in the Canvas portfolio repository. Directions to set up an e-portfolio in Canvas Creating a portfolio in Canvas-1.docx
5. The DNP 896 faculty will evaluate the e-portfolio record and Canvas repository at the conclusion of each DNP 896 Course. Please see the rubric below. Remember it will take all four DNP 896 courses for you to meet the DNP Essentials and Program Outcomes. The Personal Learning Outcomes are written at the beginning of each DNP 896 course and met by the conclusion of each DNP 896 course. The e-portfolio record and updated portfolio repository are due on the 15 week of the semester.