Nursing Develop A Plan Assignment
Barriers Form.docxActions Develop your plan
Assignment Directions
- Develop a plan to overcome barriers. Your plan should be clear and specific. Another person should be able to read your plan and replicate it.
- Discuss with colleagues.
- Describe the anticipated barriers to the change process in your institution (or wherever the change will be implemented). Include the organization’s culture, its’ reaction to change, and your leadership role for a change.
- Identify the stakeholders for the change in practice you have chosen for your EB project.
- Please use the Barriers Form to complete this assignment.
- For your use, there is a form above and below.
Actions Use this to Develop Your Plan
View RubricBarriers RubricBarriers RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsState your proposed EB practice Changeview longer description15 to >0 ptsSatisfactoryEB proposed practice changed identified.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryEB proposed practice change not identified/ 15 ptsDescribe the anticipated barriers to the change process in your institution (or where the change will be implemented). Include the organization’s culture, anticipated reaction to change, and your leadership role for changeview longer description20 to >0 ptsSatisfactoryAnticipated barriers identified including culture, anticipated reaction to change, and your role0 ptsUnsatisfactoryAnticipated barriers not identified/ 20 ptsPlans to overcome barriersview longer description20 to >0 ptsSatisfactoryPlans clear and easy to follow0 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo plan/ 20 ptsWho are the colleagues you will include to facilitate change?view longer description15 to >0 ptsSatisfactoryColleagues identified0 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo colleagues identified/ 15 ptsIdentify the stakeholders for the change in practice you have chosen for your EB projectview longer description20 to >0 ptsSatisfactoryStakeholders identified0 ptsUnsatisfactoryStakeholders not identified/ 20 ptsAPAview longer description5 to >0 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 5 ptsUses form providedview longer description5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 5 ptsTotal Points: 0
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