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Discussion: Analyzing a Podcast — Your Comments and Peer Replies
Listening to and analyzing a few podcasts will further introduce you to this medium and the variety of methods each uses to inform, persuade, and educate its audience. This activity will deepen your understanding of how content is presented through a podcast and provide some practice with critical thinking and analysis on the effectiveness of a podcast.
- Listen to the these three short podcasts. Choose one and analyze what elements from the reading in this unit make it an effective podcast.
- To Learn (Links to an external site.)from The 5 Minute Mentor
- Best and Worst Diets of 2020 (Links to an external site.)from Nutrition Diva (Links to an external site.)
- Listen to the these three short podcasts. Choose one and analyze what elements from the reading in this unit make it an effective podcast.
- “Uncovering a Huge Mystery of College” (Links to an external site.) from NPR’s All Things Considered, October 2, 2019
- Write a well-developed three paragraph analysis (about 300-350 words) explaining why the one you chose is effective.
- In the first paragraph, introduce and describe the podcast, the format and the topic.
- In the second paragraph, identify and analyze how the use of rhetorical appeals makes the podcast effective.
- In the third paragraph, analyze and discuss how 2-3 other elements of the podcast are used effectively. Consider factors such as audience, purpose, context, language and audio.
- Provide clear and specific examples for each paragraph with an in-text citations for any evidence you use from the podcast.
- Add a Works Cited with an MLA formatted citation. For help making a podcast citation, see the MLA Style Center resource How Do I Cite an Episode of a Podcast (Links to an external site.)?
- Write a well-developed three paragraph analysis (about 300-350 words) explaining why the one you chose is effective.
Post Your Comments
- Post your three paragraph analysis to this discussion by clicking “Reply” below.
Peer Replies
- Reply to TWO peer postings.
- Your response comments should be substantive (100-150 words) and address your peer’s perspective about the effectiveness of the podcast s/he chose. You may agree or disagree with your peer, but in either case, support your response claims with your own opinion of why you think s/he is right or wrong in his/her perspective. Reinforce your opinion with your own ideas/examples in your response.
- Post your response to two peers as a Reply to their posting.
- Reply to TWO peer postings.
This assignment is graded on the thoroughness of your analysis of the effectiveness of a podcast. Your post in the discussion is worth 30 points. Your responses to peers will also be evaluated here and those posts are worth 10 points each for a total of 50 points for this Discussion.
section 2
Assignment: Writing a Podcast Script
- Points 100
- Submitting a file upload
For this assignment, you will develop a written script for a 3-5 minute podcast (about 450-650 words). Your podcast can be just you speaking alone, an interview with you asking questions of a friend or family member, or even in play format with several characters.
Review these resources about developing a podcast.
Choose a Topic
- Music Genre, Artist, or Album: Write an interview podcast script in which you will teach your audience about a specific music genre, artist, or album. Using the rhetorical devices, persuade your listeners that the genre, artist, album is noteworthy, . (Do not use copyrighted music in your podcast.)
- Dream Job: Write an interview podcast script in which you will teach your audience about aspects of your dream job. For example, if you want to be a marine biologist, persuade your listeners that marine biology is an excellent career, using the rhetorical devices.
- College Success Skills: Write an interview podcast script in which you will teach your audience about college success skills. Refer to the skills you learned in the last unit (avoiding procrastination and plagiarism, learning a new writing process to avoid writer’s block, developing time management skills). Using the rhetorical devices, persuade your listeners that these skills will promote future success, .
Draft a Script
- Beginning: Begin the script with the title and date of the podcast. Introduce the topic and the speakers in an inviting and engaging way.
- Main Points: State, support, and persuade your audience. Use sources you find on the internet to support your opinions. Include a reference to the source within the sentence. Use signal phrases to introduce a reference to the article. (For more tips on incorporating quotes, see UNC’s webpage on Quotations (Links to an external site.).)
- Ending: End creatively.
Format the Script
- Format the text of your script like the one you looked at for the podcast The Haunting Effects of Going Days Without Sleep. (Links to an external site.)
- Sources: Add a Works Cited list at the end of your script. Include citations for all sources, including the sound bytes.
- Sound: Find 2-3 sound bytes for your podcast. Choose sounds that are NOT copyrighted. See this Creative Commons web page of Image, Video and Audio Resources (Links to an external site.) that includes a long list of suggested sound websites. Scroll down the page to the Audio Resources section. Indicate where each sound byte will be in the script. Use parentheses to show the sound location and include a description of the sound, for example (Soundbite of Applause).
- Proofread: Re-read your script out loud to catch errors. Make corrections as you read. Time yourself to see if it is 3-5 minutes.
- Submit your written podcast script as a Word document or Google doc. (In the next assignment, you will record your podcast and submit an audio file.)
- Your script is worth 100 point
section 3
Record and Post Your Podcast and Analyze a Peer’s PodcastNo unread replies.No replies. - Recording and Post Your PodcastThe following tips will help you record and post your podcast. Read the tips and then submit your finished podcast by posting to this Discussion.
Students will come to this assignment with different levels of comfort and expertise around the technology involved. Remember to use the technology you have on hand and with which you are most comfortable. Using either your mobile phone or the built-in Studio Recorder in Canvas, you can produce a quality broadcast.
- General directions for using recording apps on your phone: Record Audio on a Mobile Phone (Links to an external site.)
- How to Record in Canvas Studio. (Links to an external site.) (Please note, for this assignment, you do not need to record video, so if your device does not have a webcam, that’s OK. If your device does have a webcam, just keep your webcam disabled and follow the directions in this tutorial. For audio only, you can select the “No Video” option for “Webcam”. )
- Much can be done just with a computer, but it helps to have a few extra tools at your disposal. A microphone goes a long way toward sounding more professional, as well as helping to increase clarity and sound quality. Headphones are not necessary, but helpful. **Again, these are tips if you have the tools at your disposal. You are not being graded on the technology but on your podcast content.
- Capture the audio recording under the best possible conditions. Choose a room with no or low echo that is as quiet as possible. Right now, worry about being clear–you can add cool effects later, if you have the time and expertise. If you are recording in a new space, always test the conditions first to see where you should position the microphone or recorder to capture the best sound. If possible, wear headphones directly hooked up to the recorder to listen to the sound being recorded. Finally, be sure you bring your best voice. Consult this helpful tutorial from NPR: Aerobics for Your Voice (Links to an external site.) by Jessica Hansen .
- Again, this is a purely OPTIONAL part of the activity. Editing your podcast is not required, but it could be fun if you have the technical expertise and/or interest in doing so. (Add sound effects, music, soundtrack, etc.)
- Audio editing has become much easier and more accessible. A free editor is Audacity, which can be downloaded for free. All Mac computers come with GarageBand, which allows easy export to iTunes and the web. Search Google or YouTube for tutorials on how to use Audacity or GarageBand–there are plenty of free resources on the web which will walk you through how to use the software in a step-by-step manner.
Post Your Podcast
- Putting your podcast up to share in class is part of the process, since sharing the content with the world is what podcasting is all about. For this reason, you will share your podcast with your classmates in this course by posting to this discussion.
- Write a brief overview (2-3 sentences) of your own podcast.
- Post your podcast and the overview to this Discussion. (Please note you will not be able to see others’ posts until you post your podcast.)
- Make sure that your podcast is an MP3 file before you share. If you need further directions, see uploading a Media file to a Discussion (Links to an external site.)
Peer Replies
Analyzing a classmate’s podcast will give you the opportunity to gain additional practice in analysis and to enjoy the creativity of your classmates.
- Review your peers’ podcasts and select ONE that you would like to analyze. Please give attention to podcasts which have not received replies yet so that we can include everyone in the activity.
- Write a well-developed two paragraph analysis about the podcast. Your two paragraphs should be about 200 -250 words total.
- In the first paragraph, identify the podcast, the format and the topic. Then analyze and discuss how rhetorical appeals are used in the podcast.
- In the second paragraph, analyze and discuss how 2 other elements of the podcast are used effectively. Consider factors such as audience, purpose, context, language and audio.
- Provide clear and specific examples for each paragraph.
- Post your analysis to this discussion by clicking Reply.
This assignment is worth 50 points: 30 points for the original post and 20 points for the peer review.
section 4
- Discussion: Multiple Perspectives — Your Comments and Peer Replies No unread replies.No replies.
This activity provides practice in summarizing the central argument and supporting details for differing arguments and perspectives, integrating sources into your writing, and citing your sources. Instructions
- Print, review and annotate the TWO perspective articles on your chosen topic below:
TOPIC ONE: Social Media and Freedom of Speech“Primary Source Document: Anti-Defamation League Representative Testifies About Online Extremism”“Primary Source Document: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Delivers Address on Free Speech” TOPIC TWO: The Threat of Artificial Intelligence“AIs are Really Dumb:They Don’t Even Have the Intelligence of a 6-Month Old” by Timothy Revell from New Scientist“Beware an AI-Fuelled World” by Andrew Simms from New Scientist TOPIC THREE: Voting Rights for Felons“Zero Disenfranchisement: The Movement to Restore Voting Rights” by Common Cause“Felons Lose Their Right to Vote When They Break the Law” by Roger Clegg from Voter Fraud
- Write a detailed three paragraph response (about 300-350 words) to the two articles under your chosen topic. Use specific details from these two assigned perspective articles when summarizing their main ideas.
- What is each author’s central opinion on the issue?
- Identify at least three main supporting details each author uses to support their argument.
- Whose position do you agree with more, and why? Be specific in your response.
- Make sure all references and quotations are clearly cited, using the MLA parenthetical form of citations.
- Include a Works Cited in MLA format. (For a database source, use the Cite or Page tools to get an MLA formatted citation.)
Post Your Comments
- Post your comments (3 paragraphs) to this Discussion.
Peer Replies
- Respond to at least TWO of your peers as a Reply to their post. Where possible please respond to at least TWO of your peers who posted on YOUR chosen topic. Your responses must be substantial (150-200 words).
- Directly address specific statements or facts discussed in the peer post and offer your own views/analyses. As needed, use details from sources to support your responses and challenge the views and ideas of your peers. You might also pose questions about the validity or soundness of their perspective.
You will be graded on your ability to identify and summarize each author’s argument, develop main supporting details, and use accurate MLA citations. Your Comments are worth 50 points. Your Peer Replies will also be evaluated here and those posts are also worth 30 points for a total of 80 points for this Discussion.
section 5
Assignment: Annotated Bibliography
- Points 50
- Submitting a file upload
PurposeThis assignment will help you to analyze, summarize, and evaluate various types of research material. An annotated bibliography is your works cited list, with added information for each source. In addition to the citation, each annotation should include a concise summary of and evaluation of each of the sources. Each annotation should be a strong paragraph (about 150 words), double spaced. The annotations should be alphabetized by citation, just as you would alphabetize your works cited.Instructions
- Before you begin the assignment, click on the learning resource “What is an Annotated Bibliography and How do I Write One.” Also review carefully “How to Get Started With Your Argument Essay Research.”
- Create an MLA formatted Annotated Bibliography that lists and annotates at least FIVE independently researched scholarly and/or critical articles on the topic you are writing about. Credible sources may include, scholarly articles, newspaper articles/ editorials, news organizations such as NPR, CNN.
- Save your document as a Word or Google docs and submit it as a file upload.
I will evaluate this assignment to see if the chosen sources are substantial, pertinent and credible; if they are in the correct MLA format; and if the annotations demonstrate effective critical research evaluation. (50 points)