In 800 words or 2 pages double spaced 12 inch font please answer some of the following questions.
Why do you think Miner wrote thearticle this way?
- What do you think are the lessons of the article on theNacirema?
- What do you think he was trying to say about how weview other people and cultures?
- What do you think he was trying to say about how weview ourselves and our culture?
- Which examples did you think were most interesting orinsightful?
- How do we apply these lessons to the course goingforward?
Do you think there is value in theperspective and analysis he offered?
- What do you think of these body rituals that weengage in and what he says they say about us?
- Do you think there are problems with the perspectiveand analysis he offered?
- What is missing from his research?