I’m working on a religion discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
In our reading in Cultural Engagement this week, Treat (2019) discussed loving ones neighbor, and Chediak (2019) talked about making the Gospel sweeter. Discuss how we can address core needs of encouragement, compassion, and empowerment alongside material needs as a means of loving ones neighbor and adorning or making the Gospel sweeter. Include your faith in this discussion.
Explain in your own words why Hook et al. (2017) advocate for a shift from multicultural competence to multicultural humility. Describe what is meant by a multicultural orientation framework. Define and discuss key concepts from our reading this week in Hook et al. regarding multicultural orientation, cultural identity, and working on cultural biases, power, and privilege. Do not use subheadings. Write one paragraph on multicultural orientation and one paragraph on loving your neighbor.