In this assignment, you will be creating a simple project in Android Studio. This will provide you with a base to start with, which you will add to in a later module. Be certain to save your work, as it will support your success in the future of this course.
To begin, open the Android Studio Layout Editor. For more details on how to open and use the Android Studio Layout Editor, review the Android Developers – Build a Simple User Interface reading that is linked in this modules Resources section.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
- Create a new Android Studio project with an empty activity. Complete the following in your set-up:
- Name the project and be sure to include your name in the title. Make sure the selected language is Java.
- Select API 28: Android Pie as the target SDK.
- Once the new project loads, edit the existing activity_main.xml file.
- Delete the existing TextView object.
- Create a new layout of your choosing. The layout must include a button, a TextView, and a plain text (also known as an EditText).
- Identify the Android Studio elements using relevant names. To accomplish this task, complete the following:
- Name the buttons text as “Say Hello”.
- Remove all text from the TextView.
- Label the ID of the button as buttonSayHello.
- Label the Plain Text as nameText.
- Label the TextView as textGreeting.
- Discuss any challenges you experienced with Android Studio. Now that you have had time to explore Android Studio, use this space to talk about your initial experience and ask any questions that you have. Explain any challenges you are experiencing with accessing or using Android Studio so that you will be prepared for later work in this course.