- Why was Continental unable to capitalize on deregulation?
- What factors contributed to the turnaround at Continental?
- What enabled Bethune to lead the turnaround effort?
- Assess Bethune’s leadership style and impact.
Please use the following format:
The case study has two parts. Exhibits, etc. should be included if necessary.
- Executive Summary (required for all assignments, not to exceed three double-spaced pages)
- Introduction: Here, you will provide general background information for the case and introduce the main issue. This should be a single, short paragraph. Use your own words, not words from the case author.
- Problem statement: Isolate the key issues from the case. When possible, quantify the problem (for example, “The Acme Company does not have sufficient capacity to meet the forecasted demand of 10 million units per year”.) This should be a few sentences at most combined into a paragraph.
- Environmental Analysis: Use up to two pages to succinctly describe the various issues that need to be considered. This is where you can summarize your analysis and incorporate the relative strengths and weaknesses. Discuss resources, market forces, competition, technology, etc.
- Alternative Strategies: As appropriate, outline the two or three possible approaches that a manager can take. There does not need to be an exhaustive and comprehensive analysis of each, but a recognition that there is rarely one solution to a problem. This is your opportunity to demonstrate clear and logical reasoning.
- Recommendations: Identify your selected strategy from the choices presented in section D. Here is where you should elaborate on the reasoning for your choice. Your strategy must be stated specifically and also be possible for the manager to implement.
- Exhibits, tables, financial analysis and formulas (when necessary): If your case write-up references new calculations or quantitative analysis, you should prepare formal exhibits, tables, financial analyses and worked out formulas. These should be prepared professionally (i.e. not hand-written), ordered logically, numbered and referenced in the executive summary.