Concordias 2021-2022 Common Reader is A Dream Called Home by Reyna Grande. The book is divided into 2 parts. For this course, you are required to read the first part and encouraged to continue on through the second part to the end of the book.
This book was chosen in-part because of its high applicability to individuals starting college or experiencing a new environment and culture. Another reason it was chosen is because of its strong representation of an immigrant and her family experience. The more we listen and learn about each others experiences, cultures, backgrounds, perceptions, the more we can build healthy and supportive communities.
The concept of this activity/assignment is based on the curriculum of Emily Style:
The world looks different depending on who and where you are, and students need practice understanding multiple points of view. The study of texts that reflect their own identities, experiences and motivations (mirrors) and also provide insight into the identities, experiences and motivations of others (windows) can move students toward more nuanced perceptions of the world around them.
After reading this book, you are asked to reflect on what you read through the lens of a mirror and/or a window. Is what you read a reflection of your lived experiences (mirror) or a learning opportunity to understand the lived experiences of others (window)? It is possible to have both mirror and window relations to this book.
You will create a virtual poster board (must be at least 11×17 but can be full sized poster board if you choose) that demonstrates your mirror and/or window connections. You can fill the board with pictures, drawings, quotes, or other ideas, but it must demonstrate intentionality and thought (don’t rush it). You will not be artistic ability, but make sure what you choose to put on the poster looks well-thoughout. You will also write a 1-2 page explanation of what you included on your poster board and how each item/image connects to the concept of mirror or window or both.