Analyzing Cancer Incidence in the UAE using MS Excel
1. Use the attached excel file named “Data Set.xlsx” about the Cancer incidence in UAE.
2. Rename the “Data Set.xlsx” as “FirstName_FamilyName_ID_Analyzing Cancer.xlsx”
3. Format the data using colour highlights to make it easier to read and interpret.
4. Create charts for the following:
a. Age Group vs Incidence Rate
b. Cancer Type vs Incidence Rate
c. Region vs Incidence Rate
5. Create filtering to analyze the data based on the following criteria:
a. Incidence Rate greater than 3
b. Cancer Type is Breast Cancer
c. Region is Abu Dhabi
6. Apply page break preview for printing and add headers and footers with appropriate information such as document title, page numbers, and date.
7. Apply different excel format styles such as table styles, cell styles, and font styles to enhance the visual appeal of the data.